Faculty Publications, Working Papers

RMU Research #: 18833
Title: The Paraprofessional Perspective
Author/PI: Michele N Hipsky;   (Shellie Hipsky)
Date(s): 09/01/2007
Category: Education
Type: Working Paper
Description: Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) Documents. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED495285) This qualitative report examines the role of the paraprofessional. The study was originally conducted for the practical purpose of examining the support structure of a specific school. However, the information that was garnered from the internal study can be applied to other school programs that have paraprofessionals who work with special needs students. The following themes emerged throughout the analysis of the responses: the role of the paraprofessional, the healthy classroom, from paraprofessional to teacher, and paraprofessional professional development. The study begins with a literature review on paraprofessionals and explores quotes directly from the paraprofessional's perspective that was derived from the survey. Suggestions for training and other recommendations for strengthening the current supports for paraprofessionals were explained in the report.
Related Site: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.portal?_nfpb=true&ERICExtSearch_Descriptor=%22Role%22&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&objectId=0900000b8090f50f&accno=ED495285&_nfls=false
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