Pittsburgh: Thriving City

Pittsburgh is frequently recognized as one of America’s best places to be. You’ll find countless career and internship opportunities, plus all the attractions and entertainment a big city offers.

RMU can plug students into a web of contacts and corporate partnerships, from major multinational companies to tech startups to healthcare organizations, and everything in between. Over the next 10 years, employers in the Pittsburgh region will need to hire 1.2 million people. RMU is poised to meet that challenge, preparing graduates in high demand fields including business, information technology, engineering, and healthcare.

What makes Pittsburgh special?

Top 15 U.S. cities to start your career

LinkedIn picks for good salaries, job opportunities, and affordable rent.

World's most liveable cities

Up to 25th in the world and 3rd in the United States behind Honolulu and Miami.

#2 city for jobs

Glassdoor rates job satisfaction, cost of living, and hiring opportunity.

Safest places to live

Farmers Insurance finds low crime rates and economic stability.

Best cities for recreation

WalletHub finds lots to do, from restaurants to hiking.

Most bike-friendly

Bicycling magazine likes how you can bike from here to Washington, D.C.

Hottest food city

Zagat is very impressed with the restaurant scene.

Winningest sports towns

The New York Times says, over 50 years, we’re #2!

Best cities for geeks

GeekWire investigates the city’s role as innovation powerhouse.

Pittsburgh's Strong Economy:

  • 12 companies in Fortune 1000
  • $139 billion Gross Regional Product
  • 584,000 people in high value jobs*

Source: Pittsburgh Regional Alliance

*paying more than 110% of national average wage

Top Employers

Pittsburgh Walking Tour

Take our one-hour walking tour, and you'll hear tales from Pittsburgh's frontier past, see architectural marvels built by Gilded Age fortunes, and learn the details of a fierce rivalry between two tycoons.