Bayer Center - 74%

Have you ever wondered why, in the social justice sector, we only pay our women 75% of what we pay our men? 74% is finding the answers.

Why 74%?

Women comprise a great majority of the nonprofit workforce in Southwestern Pennsylvania. In fact, 74% of those working in the regional nonprofit sector are female. Approximately 225,000 of the 300,000 employed in nonprofits in Allegheny and surrounding counties are women.

Wage equity, however, is not a reality for most women working in regional nonprofit organizations.

On behalf of women in the nonprofit workforce, the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University is leading the way to promote change in this picture through research and education.

The Kitchen Cabinet has been formed to guide new research efforts on the lives of women in nonprofits, to ask hard and relevant questions, and to distill knowledge into action.  We intend to engage the power of 74% to do just that. 

We distilled our areas of focus into three key questions:

  • How can we assure young professional women have opportunity for increased responsibilities and leadership roles?
  • How are older nonprofit professional women going to re-tool their careers and eventually retire with dignity?
  • How can we strengthen the board of directors sense of responsibility to their employees? (74% has developed the tool 7 Key Questions for Board Members to help!)

74% Research

The Bayer Center has examined thousands of 990 forms for Southwestern PA nonprofits to learn about local wage inequity issues as part of the 74% Project.  Updates in our research are published twice a year, in May and November. 

Download Research (PDF format):

74% Sponsors

74%: Exploring the Lives of Women Leaders in Nonprofit Organizations is made possible through the generous support of the Eden Hall Foundation and Bayer USA Foundation.


It’s lonely at the top… and sometimes in the middle and at the bottom, too. The Bayer Center’s Coaching program can give you the confidential, personal advisor you’ve been looking for.

Bayer Center coaches have all been trained in International Coach Federation approved programs, representing the highest standards of coaching ethics and excellence. More than just a sympathetic ear, our coaches can help you be more effective at:

  • Managing others
  • Managing yourself
  • Managing change
  • Balancing the demands of your professional and private lives
  • In short...being more effective at work and play

Here's what some of our coaching clients have said...

"Thank you. You're watching a life change right before your eyes."

Jeffrey Dorsey, Executive Director, Union Project and BCNM coaching client

"My coach provided a sounding board for ideas and concerns, made me think further ahead than I normally do, and increased my confidence in areas where I was not so sure of myself."

Roy Kraynyk, Director of Land Protection, Allegheny Land Trust and BCNM coaching client

"My 6-month contract for executive coaching was successful...Coaching brought insights into the organization's and field's structural strengths and weaknesses, as well as contributions to both. Overall, it improved my confidence and sense of market value of my domain-specific knowledge and knowledge of my field."

~Molly Eggleston, ED, National Board of Public Examiners

For more information on affordable coaching at the Bayer Center, please contact Carrie Richards at 412-397-6008 or