ENGR3420-A Comp Archit For Software Eng (Spring 2015)
For additional course information, First Class requirements, syllabus, etc., check the About The Instructor(s) section for a link to a Faculty Website.

Course Details

A lab session for this course will meet on Tuesdays 12:15 p.m. - 3:05 p.m. Students must keep this time open on their class schedule.
Session, Dates: 1 (01/12/2015 - 05/02/2015)
Days: R
Time: 09:15 - 10:05 am
Location: Moon Campus
Room: John Jay 111
Seats Available: Course Full, Choose another
Credits: 3

Course Description

This course introduces students to the organization and architecture of computer Systems, beginning with the standared von Neumann model and then moving towards more recent architectural concepts. Boolean Algebra and Binary Algorithm will be discussed to provide the basics of digital logic functioning. The laboratory component of this course will focus on hands-on experience with digital logic (basic analog electronic components, fixed and flexible integrated circuits). Nl Elvis Workstation, Nl Lab View and Nl CIrcuit Design suite will be used to design and simulate digital circuits. Students understanding of architecture concepts will be furthered strengthened through a group project.

Prerequisite: MATH4000

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

Sushil K. Acharya, Dr.Eng.
Vice President, Grants, Research and Global Initiatives
Research and Grant Administration

Professor of Software Engineering

412-397-4023 phone
412-397-2593 fax
Patrick Henry 210