COVID-19 Information: FAQs
Students FAQs
Do I qualify for funding under the federal CARES Act?
The CARES Act does provide for college students to receive federal funds to compensate for emergency expenses incurred as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are working with federal and state officials to develop a process for receiving and distributing those funds to eligible students in accordance with the law.
Are alternatives to face masks permitted, such as plastic face shields, particularly for those who have respiratory challenges?
RMU is requiring that all students, faculty, and staff wear face coverings in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). RMU encourages the use of N95 or KN95 face masks, as cloth face masks or face coverings may not provide adequate protection from the virus and its variants. Students who require an accommodation should contact Services for Students with Disabilities, while faculty and staff should contact Holly McIlwain, director of human resources, at
How can students and employees with medical issues utilize the MyHealth@School Center on campus?
Enrolled students and benefit-eligible employees can be seen by appointment after the completion of pre-screening completed by telephone. Modifications to the center’s physical space and adjustments to the work flow in the center will strive to comply with best practices for physical distancing, use of PPE, and touchless transactions. Positive phone screenings will be directed to utilize telemedicine via the UPMC AnywhereCare App or other appropriate care consistent with the individual’s insurance coverage. To schedule a pre-screening, call (412) 397-6220.
What is the university's legal liability in the event of an outbreak? Will students/faculty/staff be required to sign a waiver in order to come to campus?
The university’s top concern is the health and safety of all students, faculty, and staff, as well as that of their families. We will strive to adhere to the guidance of local, state, and federal governments and all public health agencies as well as other best practices. We have asked students to read and comply with an addendum to the Student Code of Conduct, titled “The RMU Code During COVID-19.” Students have signed an "Acknowledgement of Risk and Responsibility." This document emphasizes that even our best efforts to maintain a safe and healthy environment cannot guarantee that no one will become exposed to COVID-19 on the RMU campus. The document also emphasizes that students’ compliance with the RMU Code During COVID-19 and other university policies is essential to the health and safety of the entire RMU community.
Faculty/Staff FAQs
As an RMU employee, how can I get my paycheck direct deposited?
In light of the current situation regarding COVID-19, we are requesting that all current employees receive salary payments by direct deposit. Please see the Direct Deposit Change Form for your use. Please complete the form and send it by secure email at from your RMU email. Please see these instructions for sending the email securely. If you choose to continue to receive paper paychecks, we have full expectation of preparing and mailing the paychecks as scheduled, but we cannot guarantee there will not be delays outside of our control, either through the US Postal Service or office availability of your selected bank.
If I am an employee who is feeling heightened stress or anxiety about COVID-19, where can I turn?
We encourage you to make use of the university's Employee Assistance Program by calling 1-844-833-0527 or going to, using company code RMU.
Will employees be penalized if we have to be quarantined beyond any sick leave to which we are entitled?
No. In addition to their PTO entitlement, full-time staff members will be granted an additional two weeks of COVID-19 emergency leave between June 1, 2021 and May 31, 2022, for use as needed. Faculty members exhibiting COVID-like symptoms will be provided collegial coverage of their classes as necessary and as proscribed by their contracts and any applicable memorandum of understanding.
Are faculty expected to wear face masks while they are teaching?
Yes. Face masks will be required by all students, faculty, staff, and visitors while in indoor public settings and common spaces, which includes classrooms and conference rooms.
Is there a protocol in place for faculty and staff who are in an at-risk category (or who live with someone who is at risk) and may be reluctant to come back to the physical campus? Will they be able to work remotely?
Staff members should check with their supervisors to confirm scheduling expectations for their respective departments.
Individuals falling into an at-risk category who believe that their health prevents them from coming to campus to perform their jobs (including faculty members who believe they are unable to perform in-person instruction due to a health-related condition) should contact Human Resources. Human Resources will then provide those employees with guidance on how to request leave and/or other accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and/or short-term disability. Having one or more of the conditions that place someone at higher risk for infection does not automatically make an employee eligible for accommodation, nor does living with someone with such a condition. Each request for accommodation will be reviewed on an individualized basis and in accordance with applicable law.
Are alternatives to face masks permitted, such as plastic face shields, particularly for those who have respiratory challenges?
RMU is requiring that all students, faculty, and staff wear face coverings in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). RMU encourages the use of N95 or KN95 face masks, as cloth face masks or face coverings may not provide adequate protection from the virus and its variants. Students who require an accommodation should contact Services for Students with Disabilities, while faculty and staff should contact Holly McIlwain, director of human resources, at