Public Safety - Crime Prevention Tips

Residence Halls

  • Don’t open your door to strangers! Use the peephole; if in doubt, don’t open the door – call Campus Police (x2424) to verify the person’s identity before admitting them into your room. Report strangers and suspicious circumstances.
  • DO NOT leave your debit or credit cards where they can be seen and taken. Such a theft can occur and your cards can be used before you even know they are missing.
  • NEVER write your PIN number on your card or give it to anyone.
  • Never lend your room key to anyone.
  • Never prop open exterior doors. Help keep your fellow students safe!
  • Most Importantly: Lock your room each and every time you leave, no matter how brief you plan on being gone.

Personal Safety

  • Avoid poorly lit streets and pathways.
  • Keep alert: if you see a person acting suspiciously, head for bright lights and people.
  • Never jog alone; stick to a planned route and run with a friend.
  • Your first defense is noise – SCREAM! To help attract attention to your location.
  • Convey confidence through body language – walk with your head up and be alert.
  • If you are working or studying late and encounter or see suspicious person(s) or activity, notify Police Department immediately. Immediate notification will increase your safety, may prevent a crime and may assist in locating a criminal.

Preventing Theft

  • Close and lock the doors and windows to your room or office whenever you leave, even for a brief period of time. It only takes a thief seconds to enter and walk away with your belongings.
  • Do not keep your purse, wallet, keys etc. out in the open. Put them in a drawer, file cabinet, closet etc. Don’t let them become an easy target.
  • Try to keep small valuable objects away from doorways and windows.
  • Don’t let it become common knowledge where you keep your belongings.
  • Notify any credit or debit card companies, and/ or any other organization your stolen items may be accessed or used.
  • Notify the Police Department immediately(if not on campus, the local police for your area)

Sexual Assault Prevention Tips

  • Communicate clearly and listen carefully to what your partner is saying.
  • Communicate your limits firmly and directly.
  • In a dating situation, define exactly what you want and don’t want from the relationship.
  • Attend large parties with friends you can trust. Agree to “look out” for one another.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. Remember, alcohol and drugs can interfere with your abilities to comprehend and communicate effectively.
  • Leave parties and / or social gatherings in a group rather than by yourself or with someone you don’t know very well.

A student, staff or faculty member who is a victim of rape, sexual assault or sexual abuse is strongly encouraged to report this crime immediately to the Police Department. The Police Department and Robert Morris University provide support to victims of sexual offenses through a variety of resources. The victim may choose to pursue criminal charges, judicial action, both, or may decide to take no action. The Police Department acknowledges that it is each victim’s individual decision whether to report these crimes but strongly urges that reporting take place to help assure a safer living and working environment for the entire university community. A victim’s silence only encourages an assailant to strike again.