Television Production
This twelve-credit certificate program gives students hands-on exposure to live television production. Students will develop essential skills in developing rundowns, shooting video, directing, mixing audio, switching graphics, and production management. Participants gain experience with real-time broadcast and streaming media in a team setting and will gain insight into the history and economic impact of live television. Completion of the certificate helps students in diverse fields become more adept at orchestrating complex productions and be prepared for dynamic roles in a wide range of industrial applications and team settings.
Upon completion of the Television Production Certificate, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate proficiency in producing live television content including writing, video, audio, graphics and production management for a variety of industry applications.
- Apply multimedia storytelling techniques to effectively convey messages and engage audiences across digital platforms.
- Understand and apply ethical and legal considerations in audiovisual creation, including copyright and intellectual property licensing.
- Read, analyze and discuss the history of broadcast media and the significant role of television and live video in business and society.
- Certificate Requirements and Courses
ARTM2400 - Field Production
ARTM2410 - Multicam Studio
ARTM1840 - History of TV and Video
NSSC2000 - Broadcast and Online Reporting
Sample Courses:
These are some of the classes for students in this academic program:
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