Artificial Intelligence

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Program Credits

AI has become one of the most prevalent areas of information technology. While the knowledge of AI on the technical level has become a necessity for many IT professionals, the demand for a general understanding of AI is growing among non-technical professions, such as managers, financial experts, market researchers, and many others.

Upon completion of this certificate, graduates will be able to:

  • Formulate problems and assess the AI needs of an organization.
  • Select, apply, and evaluate basic AI/ML algorithms and models to provide solutions to
    data related problems.
  • Interpret and communicate analysis outcomes in oral, visual, and in written form to
    technical and non-technical professionals.
  • Given an AI model, formulate and explain ethical concerns that arise from using this
  • Given an original program that is unfamiliar to you, research and evaluate the possible
    AI-based solutions and choose the one that is the most efficient.

The 12-credit graduate certificate is designed as a standalone program, or it can also be stackable with several Graduate programs such as MS Applied AI, MBA, and MS Data Analytics.

Certificate Requirements and Courses
  • INFS 6140 Python Programming
  • INFS 6070 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • NFS 6255 AI Ethics and Governance
  • INFS 6580 Emerging Topics in AI
Contact Us

Wu, Peter Y. Dr. Jamie Pinchot

Department Head, Computer and Information Systems
Professor of Computer and Information Systems

Phone: 412-397-6050

Sample Courses:

These are some of the classes for students in this academic program:

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
AI Ethics and Governance
Emerging Topics in AI