Reading Specialist

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Available - On Campus
Program Credits

The reading specialist program provides teachers with a comprehensive background in literacy. Through a blend of evening coursework and a 3-credit practicum with ELL or students with special needs at RMU’s on-site clinic under the direct supervision of an instructor, candidates are fully prepared for the Praxis exam and certification as reading specialists from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This certificate is offered at the graduate level.

Accreditation Seal Plus

Candidates study together in a cohort, with the opportunity to test, diagnose, and design a literacy program suitable for an individual or small group of students. The program can be taken as a standalone or combined with three additional courses for an M.Ed. in Literacy.  This program has earned Accreditation Plus through the International Dyslexia Association. Students can also add the Dyslexia Interventionist Credential to their program.

Tuition scholarships are available for the Reading Specialist program.

Contact Information

Dr. Soren I. Fanning, Ph.D.
Department Head, Social Sciences
Associate Professor of History
World history, Russian history, geography, national identity
412-397-5403 phone (M)
412-397-6468 fax
Wheatley Center 213

Carianne Bernadowski, Ph.D. 
Professor of Education

Susan W. Parker, Ph.D.
Department Head, Education

Course Plan
  • RDSP6010 Structured Literacy Course - Summer
  • RDSP6700 Current Trends & Issues in Literacy - Fall
  • EDUC6400 Reading Across Curriculum and ELL - Fall
  • RDSP6710 Foundations  and Principles of Literacy Instruction - Fall
  • RDSP6730 Assessment and Intervention in Adolescent Literacy - Spring
  • SPED6720 Assessment and Intervention in Early Literacy - Spring
  • RDSP6740 Leadership & Supervision for Reading Specialists/Literacy Coaches - Spring
  • SPED6020 Reading and Special Education Instruction Methods - Spring
  • RDSP6750 Practicum – Clinical experience - Summer
Admissions Requirements

The admissions requirements include:

  • Teaching Certificate
  • Three acceptable criminal record/ child abuse clearances
  • Resume
  • 2 letters of reference
  • Transcripts

Sample Courses:

These are some of the classes for students in this academic program:

Current Trends/Issues in Literacy
Leadership/Supervisory Reading Specialist/Literacy Coaching
Reading/Special Education: Instructional Methods/Practices