CIS Faculty Present at the Research & Grants Expo


CIS faculty are active in research, and several of our faculty are part of ongoing grants. Several faculty members presented at the Research and Grants Expo on March 15, 2023.

Among those presented was the CyberCorps Scholarship for Service grant. Dr. Ping Wang is the PI for this grant, and Dr. Sushma Mishra and Dr. Frank Hartle are Co-PIs.

The CIS Cyber Scholars grant "Developing a Faculty-Student Mentor Model" was also presented.  Dr. Abdur ShahidDr. Natalya Bromall, and Dr. Karen Paullet. Dr. Paullet is the PI on this grant and Dr. Shahid and Dr. Bromall are Co-PIs.

Dr. Abdur Shahid  presented "Data Poisoning Attack Against Wearable Artificial Intelligence Systems." His co-researchers include Dr. Peter Wu and Dr. Diane Igoche from RMU, as well as two colleagues from other institutions.

Congratulations to the faculty for this outstanding work!