Student Information Technology Advisory Council

The Student Information Technology Advisory Council (SITAC) is an organization consisting of students and members of RMU's Information Technology department, including its management. SITAC's purpose is to identify and discuss relevant technology trends applicable to the University and to improve technology services for RMU students. Through this organization students have a voice in campus technology decision making.

A typical meeting generally consists of discussions of new RMU IT projects, emerging technologies, ideas to improve existing services, and involvement of students in campus technology projects. Brainstorming ideas to educate the campus community on available technology occurs frequently as well. Finally, SITAC invites industry guest speakers to speak at meetings about their careers, educational background, and advice for students entering the workforce. Recent speakers have worked for companies such as Cisco, VMware, Dicks' Sporting Goods, and the Mozilla Foundation.

If you are a student interested in becoming a part of the professional Information Technology world, we encourage you to join and become a member of our council. You will experience and have direct input on the on-going IT changes and improvements that happen throughout our University. You will be able to interact one on one with members and management of our campus' Information Technology department. Join today and bring your own talent and opinions to our meetings; your voice is important.

Membership is by application through Student Life.


Simply fill out the application (PDF) and hand it in to The Office of Student Life.