Student Success
Robert Morris University
Taylor Bable

"The social skills I learned working at the career center, I was able to use to get my internship — and it led to a full-time position."

When girls and boys come to the Mars Home for Youth, they need both sympathy and a strategy. Sympathy for the problems they are dealing with, and strategy for how to cope and move forward.

Taylor Bable is eager to help with both. “I love it,” she says of her job as a residential advisor. “When you’re able to get them to understand how they can take control of their lives, and they look at you and thank you, that’s what makes it all worth it.”

Taylor was offered the full-time position after a summer internship with MHY, which she discovered through the RMU Career and Professional Development Center. She worked at the career center from her first week of freshman year all the way until graduation. That allowed her to develop professional skills while getting to know corporate recruiters visiting campus. Now, while helping kids in need, Taylor also is building up her skills to eventually become an elementary or middle school counselor, her ultimate plan.

Her older brother went to RMU before her, so at first Taylor looked at different colleges. But she was impressed with the holistic nature of RMU’s psychology program. “It wasn’t as clinical as others were. It was more social than scientific,” Taylor says. “With Robert Morris, the program looks more at development and the person as a whole.”

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