
Robert Morris University

The Minuteman - 02/28/2020

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  • RMU's chapter of Delta Tau Delta fraternity recently attended their Eastern Division Conference in Portland, Maine, and brought home several awards. The chapter was named to the national Court of Honor, ranking 12 out of 133 on chapter performance, and the second-highest ranked chapter for campuses under 10,000 students. Specific awards received include:
    • David Auth, Eastern Division President of the Year
    • Chapter Growth Award
    • Support of JDRF Award
    • Member Education Award
    • Academic Achievement Award (members average a 3.46 GPA)
    • Ritual Education & Performance
  • The School of Business hosted their seventh annual Business Summit last week. The two-day event brought in corporate leaders to campus to mentor students, present lectures, participate in panel discussions, and meet with students on current issues affecting the economy, the environment, and the marketplace, among others. Business Summit 2020, “Transitioning To The Next Level: From Student To Professional,” included speed mentoring, marketing career fair, and 10 sessions open to the students. More than 630 students participated in the event. RMU alumnus, Gregg McDonald, director of sales at FedEx Services delivered the keynote address.  
  • Throughout tax season, RMU offers free income tax preparation for households with annual income up to $55,000. The program is part of a collaborative effort through the United Way. Call 2-1-1 to schedule an appointment with an RMU tax expert.

Personal Mention

  • Scott Irlbacher, director of special programs and student community standards in Student Life, has been selected as the recipient of the Ronald H. Jury Interfraternal Friendship Award from the Phi Mu Delta National Fraternity for his work as a consultant and program facilitator for several campuses and national college fraternal organizations. He'll be recognized at the Phi Mu Delta national convention in August.
  • Christine Holtz, professor of media arts, has her photography included in the 14thJulia Margaret Cameron Award exhibition opening Wednesday, March 4 at FotoNostrum, Mediterranean House of Photography in Barcelona, Spain. Juried by Elizabeth Avedon, independent curator, Rebecca Robertson, editor, and Analy Werbin, curator of Biennial Fine Art + Documentary Photography, the exhibition is open until March 29. Holtz also has photography included in Counterpressures, the 83rd installment of the Carnegie Museum of Art’s Forum series, which presents a thematic group exhibition that addresses the urgency of climate change, curated by Hannah Turpin. The exhibition opened February 20 and will be on display until July 12 at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Oakland. Meet the Artist on Thursday, May 7 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 

Upcoming Events

  • March 6
    • Students from several area high schools will bring their gladiator robots to the John Jay Center next Friday for a day of one-on-one combat. The all-day event starts at 10 a.m. and is open to the public. The School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science is hosting the outreach effort as part of the regionwide BotsIQ competition, which encourages study and careers in STEM fields.
  • March 12
    • As part of a grant the Religion & Spirituality Focal Group received, we are pleased to offer our final workshop for RMU employees on religious and spiritual diversity at RMU. Sponsored by the Interfaith Youth Corp, this 90-minute workshop explores trends in religious and spiritual diversity on campus, in higher education, and nationally. In addition, participants can learn about being more effective educators and staff in multi-faith settings as well as enjoy a free lunch alongside RMU colleagues. Click here to register and email with any questions.
  • March 16
    • The Center for Veterans and Military Families is excited to host the region's TRICARE representative from 1 to 2 p.m. Faculty, staff, students, and/or family members who qualify for the program are highly encouraged to attend. TRICARE is the uniformed services health care program for active duty service members, active duty family members, National Guard and Reserve members and their family members, retirees and retiree family members, survivors, and certain former spouses worldwide. Please RSVP here.
  • April 5
    • RMU is partnering with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to unite the campus community for its 6th annual Out of the Darkness Campus Walk. This special event raises awareness of suicide as a health issue, brings comfort to those in the campus community who have been impacted by a suicide loss, and helps to educate our young adults about mental health and how and when to seek help. To learn more or register, click here.

Weekend Sports

  • Saturday, Feb. 29
    • Men's Lacrosse vs High Point - 11 a.m. at Joe Walton Stadium
    • Men's Basketball vs St. Francis U - 1 p.m. at the UPMC Events Center
    • Women's Lacrosse vs Bucknell - 2 p.m. at Joe Walton Stadium