Massey Center Hosts 1st MasterClass of 2021

The first Massey Masterclass of the year will feature Marcelis Branch and Kenny Davis on February 24th at 6pm.

The NDO Society launched its entrepreneurial journey in the midst of Covid-19 in 2020, offering more than quality fitness apparel, but also a mantra of grit and personal transformation. Come and bear founders of No Days Off Society Fitness apparel company & RMU Alumni, pro-football athlete Marcetis Branch and, the CEO, Kenny Davis, tell their story on Wednesday, February 24th at 6pm.

What are Massey Masterclasses?

They are workshops that are facilitated by entrepreneurs and intrapraneurs making disruptive change with their ventures in various markets. The purpose of the Massey Masterclass is for students to be explored to a particular tool, skill, or area of knowledge as per the facilitation of an entrepreneur, as informed by his/her story and experience. Additional information, click here.