Education B.S.

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Available - On Campus

RMU has reconfigured our Education degrees to meet the updated requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), our partnering school districts and communities where students will be employed, our accrediting bodies, and the ever-changing landscape of the education field.  We offer a Bachelor of Science in Education with six concentration areas.  Students pursuing the B.S. in Education will take courses that fall under 4 categories.  RMU Core (all RMU students take core courses), Education Major Courses (all students majoring in education take Ed major courses, and includes the professional semesters of pre and student teaching), and Concentration courses (which vary depending on your area of study).  

The concentration areas are:

  • Early Childhood Education (PreK to 4th grade)
  • Early Childhood Education (PreK to 4th grade) and Special Education (PreK to 12th grade) - dual concentration
  • Special Education (PreK to 12th grade)
  • Secondary Biology (7 to 12th grade)
  • Secondary English (7 to 12th grade)
  • Secondary Social Studies (7 to 12th grade)

Upon degree completion students are eligible to sit for state licensure exams.  Example plans of study offer suggested course work. Students work with academic advisors each semester to create official plans of study.  

Contact Information

Dr. Soren I. Fanning, Ph.D.
Department Head, Social Sciences
Associate Professor of History
World history, Russian history, geography, national identity
412-397-5403 phone (M)
412-397-6468 fax
Wheatley Center 213

Course Information

BS in Education with ECED Concentration - 121 credits

RMU CORE 40 credits

  • 12 credits Comm
  • 3 credits Economics (ECON 1010)
  • 3 credits Hist/PS (HIST 1100/1200, POLS 1020) 
  • 3 credits Humanities (HUMA 1010)
  • 3 credits Information Tech (EDUC 2200)
  • 3 credits Psychology (PSYC 1010)
  • 3 credits Sociology (SOCI 1010 or 1020)
  • 3 credits Math (MATH 1050 or 2010 or 2070)
  • 3 credits Literature (ENGL 1070 or 1040)
  • 3 credits Science  
  • 1 credit Freshman Seminar


  • MATH 2010 or STAT 2110
  • EDUC 1500 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 2100 Ed Psychology 
  • EDUC 3165 Teaching Multi Lang Learners
  • EDUC 3400 Curr Design and Instruction
  • EDUC 3600 Educational Assessment
  • PSYC 3 credits 
  • 3535 Child-ECED or 
  • 3530-Adolescent SCED
  • SDIN 2010 Intro. To Special Education
  • SDIN 3020 Teaching PreK-12 Inclusive Class
  • SDIN 3050 Students w/HI Disabilities


  • Semester One
    • EDUC 4060 PreSt Teaching & Seminar 3 cr
  • Semester Two
    • EDUC 4200 St T seminar (All) 3 cr
    • AND One of the Following:
    • EDUC 4500 St Teaching (ECED, SCED) 9 cr OR ECED 4205 St Teaching (Dual) 9 cr


  • 3 credits Science
  • GEOG 1020 World Geography
  • ECED 2120 Early Lit. & Lang. Dev.
  • ECED 3500 - DAP
  • ECED 3060 Fam & Comm 
  • ECED 4000 Social Studies Methods 
  • ECED 4010 Math Methods
  • ECED 4020 Science Methods
  • ECED 4030 Reading & Lang Arts Methods
  • ECED 4140 Reading Diff. & Diagnoses
  • SDIN 3030 Pos Behavior Supports PreK-12
  • SDN 3110 Early Intervention

BS in Education with dual Concentrations: ECED and Special Education (ECSP) – 133 credits

RMU CORE 40 credits

  • 12 credits Comm
  • 3 credits Economics (ECON 1010)
  • 3 credits Hist/PS (HIST 1100/1200, POLS 1020) 
  • 3 credits Humanities (HUMA 1010)
  • 3 credits Information Tech (EDUC 2200)
  • 3 credits Psychology (PSYC 1010)
  • 3 credits Sociology (SOCI 1010 or 1020)
  • 3 credits Math (MATH 1050 or 2010 or 2070)
  • 3 credits Literature (ENGL 1070 or 1040)
  • 3 credits Science  
  • 1 credit Freshman Seminar


  • MATH 2010 or STAT 2110
  • EDUC 1500 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 2100 Ed Psychology 
  • EDUC 3165 Teaching Multi Lang Learners
  • EDUC 3400 Curr Design and Instruction
  • EDUC 3600 Educational Assessment
  • PSYC 3 credits 
  • 3535 Child-ECED or 
  • 3530-Adolescent SCED
  • SDIN 2010 Intro. To Special Education
  • SDIN 3020 Teaching PreK-12 Inclusive Class
  • SDIN 3050 Students w/HI Disabilities 


  • Semester One
    • EDUC 4060 PreSt Teaching & Seminar 3 cr
  • Semester Two
    • EDUC 4200 St T seminar (All) 3 cr
    • AND One of the Following:
    • EDUC 4500 St Teaching (ECED, SCED) 9 cr OR ECED 4205 St Teaching (Dual) 9 cr


  • ECED 3500 - DAP
  • ECED 3060 Fam & Comm or SDIN 3110
  • ECED 4000 Social Studies Methods 
  • ECED 4020 Science Methods
  • ECED 4030 Reading & Lang Arts Methods
  • ECED 4140 Reading Diff. & Diagnoses

Special Education Concentration 30-33 credits

  • SDIN 3030 Pos Behavior Supports
  • SDIN 3100 Disability Studies
  • SDN 3110 Early Intervention or ECED 3060
  • SDIN 4000 IEPs
  • SDIN 4020 Reading and Special Education
  • SDIN 4300 Advanced Content Area Ins. Int.
  • SDIN 3070 Lang., Comm., Assistive Tech
  • SDIN 3045 Transitioning
  • SDIN 3055 Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • SDIN 3060 Students w/LI Disabilities 
  • RDSP 6010 Structured Literacy

BS in Education with SDIN Concentration (SPME) – 124 credits

RMU CORE 40 credits

  • 12 credits Comm
  • 3 credits Economics (ECON 1010)
  • 3 credits Hist/PS (HIST 1100/1200, POLS 1020) 
  • 3 credits Humanities (HUMA 1010)
  • 3 credits Information Tech (EDUC 2200)
  • 3 credits Psychology (PSYC 1010)
  • 3 credits Sociology (SOCI 1010 or 1020)
  • 3 credits Math (MATH 1050 or 2010 or 2070)
  • 3 credits Literature (ENGL 1070 or 1040)
  • 3 credits Science  
  • 1 credit Freshman Seminar


  • MATH 2010 or STAT 2110
  • EDUC 1500 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 2100 Ed Psychology 
  • EDUC 3165 Teaching Multi Lang Learners
  • EDUC 3400 Curr Design and Instruction
  • EDUC 3600 Educational Assessment
  • PSYC 3 credits 
  • 3535 Child-ECED or 
  • 3530-Adolescent SCED
  • SDIN 2010 Intro. To Special Education
  • SDIN 3020 Teaching PreK-12 Inclusive Class
  • SDIN 3050 Students w/HI Disabilities 


  • Semester One
    • EDUC 4060 PreSt Teaching & Seminar 3 cr
  • Semester Two
    • EDUC 4200 St T seminar (All) 3 cr
    • AND One of the Following:
    • EDUC 4500 St Teaching (ECED, SCED) 9 cr OR ECED 4205 St Teaching (Dual) 9 cr


  • ECED 3500 DAP
  • ECED 4140 Reading Diff & Diagnosis
  • SDIN 3030 Pos Behavior Supports
  • SDIN 3045 Transitioning
  • SDIN 3055 Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • SDIN 3060 Students w/LI Disabilities
  • SDIN 3070 Lang., Comm., Assistive Tech
  • SDIN 3100 Disability Studies 
  • SDN 3110 Early Intervention 
  • SDIN 4000 IEPs
  • SDIN 4020 Reading and Special Education
  • SDIN 4300 Advanced Content Area Ins. Int.
  • RDSP 6010 Structured Literacy

BS in Education with Biology Secondary Education (BIOG) Concentration – 137 credits

RMU CORE 41 credits

  • 12 credits Comm
  • 3 credits Economics (ECON 1010)
  • 3 credits Hist/PS (HIST 1100/1200, POLS 1020) 
  • 3 credits Humanities (HUMA 1010)
  • 3 credits Information Tech (EDUC 2200)
  • 3 credits Psychology (PSYC 1010)
  • 3 credits Sociology (SOCI 1010 or 1020)
  • 3 credits Math (MATH 1050 or 2010 or 2070)
  • 3 credits Literature (ENGL 1070 or 1040)
  • 4 credits Sci BIOL 1310/1315 Principles of Bio I/Lab
  • 1 credit Freshman Seminar


  • MATH 2010 or STAT 2110
  • EDUC 1500 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 2100 Ed Psychology 
  • EDUC 3165 Teaching Multi Lang Learners
  • EDUC 3400 Curr Design and Instruction
  • EDUC 3600 Educational Assessment
  • PSYC 3 credits 
  • 3535 Child-ECED or 
  • 3530-Adolescent SCED
  • SDIN 2010 Intro. To Special Education
  • SDIN 3020 Teaching PreK-12 Inclusive Class
  • SDIN 3050 Students w/HI Disabilities 


  • Semester One
    • EDUC 4060 PreSt Teaching & Seminar 3 cr
  • Semester Two
    • EDUC 4200 St T seminar (All) 3 cr
    • AND One of the Following:
    • EDUC 4500 St Teaching (ECED, SCED) 9 cr OR ECED 4205 St Teaching (Dual) 9 cr


  • 36 course credits; 12 lab credits; 3 Methods
  • CHEM 1210/1215 Chemistry I/Lab (4)
  • BIOL2310/2315 Principles Bio II/Lab (4)
  • CHEM 2210/2215 Chem II/Lab (4)
  • BIOL 2370/2380 Microbiology/Lab (4)   OR BIOL2390 Gen Microbiology (4)
  • BIOL 2470/2480 Botany/Lab (4)
  • ENVS 2500/2550 Ecology Fund/Lab (4)
  • BIOL 3370/3375 Cell/Mole Bio/Lab (4)
  • BIOL 2570/2580 Zoology/Lab (4)
  • BIOL 3470/3475 Human Genetics/Lab (4)
  • BIOL 3570/3580 Comp Vertebrate Anat/Lab (4) OR BIOL 3110/3115 Adv Human Anat/Lab (4)
  • BIOL 3650/3660 Advanced Physiology/Lab (4) 
  • PHYS 1010/1015 Allied Health/Lab (4) OR PHYS1210/1215 Physics I/Lab (4)
  • EDUC 4140 Cont Spec Pedagogy: Bio Methods (3)

BS in Education with ENGLISH Secondary Education (ENSH) Concentration – 133 credits

RMU CORE 40 credits

  • 12 credits Comm
  • 3 credits Economics (ECON 1010)
  • 3 credits Hist/PS (HIST 1100/1200, POLS 1020) 
  • 3 credits Humanities (HUMA 1010)
  • 3 credits Information Tech (EDUC 2200)
  • 3 credits Psychology (PSYC 1010)
  • 3 credits Sociology (SOCI 1010 or 1020)
  • 3 credits Math (MATH 1050 or 2010 or 2070)
  • 3 credits Literature (ENGL 1070 or 1040)
  • 3 credits Science  
  • 1 credit Freshman Seminar


  • MATH 2010 or STAT 2110
  • EDUC 1500 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 2100 Ed Psychology 
  • EDUC 3165 Teaching Multi Lang Learners
  • EDUC 3400 Curr Design and Instruction
  • EDUC 3600 Educational Assessment
  • PSYC 3 credits 
  • 3535 Child-ECED or 
  • 3530-Adolescent SCED
  • SDIN 2010 Intro. To Special Education
  • SDIN 3020 Teaching PreK-12 Inclusive Class
  • SDIN 3050 Students w/HI Disabilities 


  • Semester One
    • EDUC 4060 PreSt Teaching & Seminar 3 cr
  • Semester Two
    • EDUC 4200 St T seminar (All) 3 cr
    • AND One of the Following:
    • EDUC 4500 St Teaching (ECED, SCED) 9 cr OR ECED 4205 St Teaching (Dual) 9 cr


  • 45 course credits; 3 Methods
  • ENGL 2000 Study of Literature
  • ENGL 2010 Reading Non-Fiction
  • ENGL 3080 American Lit to 1865 
  • ENGL 3120 British Lit to 1789
  • ENGL 3090 American Lit 1865 to Present 
  • ENGL 3130 British Lit 1789 to Present
  • ENGL 2540 Linguistics
  • ENGL 3010 Grammar and Copyediting
  • ENGL 3120 Creative Writing
  • ENGL 2520/3520 Dramatic Art of Shakespeare
  • ENGL 2110/3110 History of the English Language
  • ENGL 3500 Study of Persuasion
  • ENGL 4800 Seminar in English Literature
  • ENGL 4010 Writing Non-Fiction
  • ENGL 2055 World Literature
  • EDUC 4110 Cont-Spec Pedagogy: Eng/Methods

B. S. in Education with Social Studies Secondary Education (SSED) concentration – 130 credits

RMU CORE 40 credits

  • 12 credits Comm
  • 3 credits Economics (ECON 1020)
  • 3 credits Hist/PS (HIST 1100/1200, POLS 1020) 
  • 3 credits Humanities (HUMA 1010)
  • 3 credits Information Tech (EDUC 2200)
  • 3 credits Psychology (PSYC 1010)
  • 3 credits Sociology (SOCI 1010 or 1020)
  • 3 credits Math (MATH 1050 or 2010 or 2070)
  • 3 credits Literature (ENGL 1070 or 1040)
  • 3 credits Science  
  • 1 credit Freshman Seminar


  • MATH 2010 or STAT 2110
  • EDUC 1500 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 2100 Ed Psychology 
  • EDUC 3165 Teaching Multi Lang Learners
  • EDUC 3400 Curr Design and Instruction
  • EDUC 3600 Educational Assessment
  • PSYC 3 credits 
  • 3535 Child-ECED or 
  • 3530-Adolescent SCED
  • SDIN 2010 Intro. To Special Education
  • SDIN 3020 Teaching PreK-12 Inclusive Class
  • SDIN 3050 Students w/HI Disabilities 


  • Semester One
    • EDUC 4060 PreSt Teaching & Seminar 3 cr
  • Semester Two
    • EDUC 4200 St T seminar (All) 3 cr
    • AND One of the Following:
    • EDUC 4500 St Teaching (ECED, SCED) 9 cr OR ECED 4205 St Teaching (Dual) 9 cr


  • 42 course credits; 3 Methods
  • HIST 1200 U.S. History II
  • HIST 1700 World Civilizations I 
  • POLS 1020 American National Government 
  • ECON 1030 Principles of Microeconomics
  • GEOG 1020 World Geography 
  • HIST 1800 World Civilizations II 
  • HIST 3400 Pennsylvania History
  • POLS 1030 Comp/Contemp. Pol Systems 
  • POLS 1040 International Relations
  • ANTH 1010 or 1020
  • HIST 3700 Developing World
  • SOSC 4800 Senior Research Project
  • EDUC 4150 Content Spec Pedagogy/SS Methods
Admission Requirements

Along with an official RMU application, students seeking to enroll as first-time freshmen must submit official high school transcripts showing all grades and GPA, or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Preference is given to students with a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Our students have high aspirations, the experience to support their goals, and have chosen to get ready for their future at RMU. We are looking for students inspired by the promise and expectation of engaged learning — students who value professional development, collaboration, service, global awareness, and arts and culture.

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Sample Courses:

These are some of the classes for students in this academic program:

Child Development
Early Literacy & Language Development
Student Teaching Seminar
Major Credits
Core Credits
Communication Skills, Economics, Humanities, History, Sciences, etc.
Elective Credits

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School of Education and Social Sciences

School of Education and Social Sciences

The School of Education & Social Sciences prepares students for impactful careers in education, public service, and social sciences.

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