Institutional Repository
The Robert Morris University Institutional Repository is an online archive, administered by the RMU Library, which collects, preserves, and provides digital access to documents related to the intellectual achievement and history of Robert Morris University.
The Institutional Repository is administered by RMU librarians, with the Library Director having ultimate responsibility for determining policy and practice.
All current full-time and adjunct faculty members, emeritus faculty members, graduate students, undergraduate students, and University administrative units may contribute materials to the repository.
Guidelines for the Inclusion of Materials
- Materials must have been created, submitted or sponsored by a member of the RMU Community
- The inclusion of student work must be sponsored by an RMU faculty member
- Any author publishing or adding their work to the Institutional Repository must either own the copyright for the work or have the copyright owner’s permission to publish it. Authors will retain the copyright for submission.
- The copyright owner of a document which is to be included in the collection must be willing to grant the RMU Library permission to preserve and distribute the work via the RMU Institutional Repository web site.
- Once accepted for inclusion, materials added to the Institutional Repository will be considered a permanent part of the collection
- Materials will only be removed from the Institutional Repository in the case of demonstrated violation of copyright law. The final decision for inclusion or exclusion with regard to the Institutional Repository will remain with the RMU Library
The Robert Morris University Institutional Repository is accessible to all, without permission or charge, regardless of RMU affiliation. All users will be expected to use materials in the Institutional Repository within the generally accepted limits of copyright law.