Liaison Program

The Communication Skills Program is served by our information literacy team, including, Christoper Devine, Chloe Mills, Jackie Klentzin, and Emily Paladino.

For the CIS Ph.D. program and graduate programs of all other types, faculty work in a variety of departments; faculty should contact their usual departmental liaison.

To contact your liaison, please find their email or work phone number here.

Librarian Liaison Assignments

 School /Department/Program  Librarian Liaison
 School of Business  
 Accounting & Taxation   Chloe Mills
 Finance  Abi Ibraheem
 Management  Jackie Klentzin
 Marketing  Jackie Klentzin
 School of Informatics, Humanities, and Social Sciences  
 Communication Skills Program  Communication Skills Instruction Team:

Chris Devine; Jackie Klentzin; Chloe Mills; Emily Paladino
 Communication  Tim Schlak
 Computer and Information Systems  Tim Schlak
 English and the Humanities  Emily Paladino
 Media Arts  Chris Devine
 Organizational Leadership  Tim Schlak
 Social Sciences       Chris Devine
 School of Nursing, Education, and Human Studies  
 Education  Jackie Klentzin
 Psychology & Health Sciences     Emily Paladino
 Nursing  Emily Paladino
 School of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science  
 Engineering  Tim Schlak
 Actuarial Science and Mathematics  Tim Schlak
 Science  Emily Paladino

Library Reserves Request Forms

Information Literacy

What is Information Literacy?

Information Literacy is the term used to refer to the skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information effectively.  For more information about information literacy, refer to the following information from the Association of College and Research Libraries:

ACRL - Introduction to Information Literacy

Information Literacy Philosophy

Support for information literacy among the RMU community constitutes a fundamental principle for all RMU Library activities. In providing for the community's information needs, and fostering the thoughtful use, evaluation, and organization of information throughout the research process, the RMU Library facilitates the analytical thinking and integrative reasoning critical to the intellectual development of students and the professional achievement of faculty and staff.

Incorporating Information Literacy into the Curriculum

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (ALA - Association of College and Research Libraries)

Information Literacy Competency Standard for Higher Education

Information Literacy and Library Instruction

RMU Librarians are available to collaborate with you in the development of course-integrated information literacy assignments or information literacy-based library instruction sessions.

Please contact an RMU Research Librarian for additional information.

Library Instruction Sessions

Requesting a library instruction session

Faculty are invited to request library instruction sessions for their courses. To request a library instruction session, contact librarians Jackie Klentzin, Chloe Mills, or Christopher Devine. 

If you are a student and you are interested in individualized library research instruction, contact a research librarian.

About library instruction sessions

For more information about the rationale for library instruction sessions, refer to: Information Literacy Guide.