
Nursing eJournal Databases  

CINAHL Complete  
Includes citations, abstracts, and full-text articles from many leading nursing and health sciences journals. 

Ovid Nursing Full Text Plus  
Current, full-text coverage of 45 key Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins nursing e-journals

ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health 
Core titles from leading academic publishers. Plus instructional videos, grey literature, and more

Other Health Sciences eJournal Database

Medline Plus Full Text (from EBSCO)  Slated for cancellation - December 2018; use: PubMed 
Most comprehensive source of full-text articles from for medical journals.

ProQuest Health & Medical Complete 
Essential health sciences content. Fewer journal embargos. Peer approved clinical info

Over 21 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals.

PubMed Central  
National Institutes of Health (NIH) digital journal archive.

Other Databases

ProQuest Biology  
Provides comprehensive coverage of biological science fields including animal behavior, aquatic life and fisheries, chemoreception, biochemistry, ecology, plant science, toxicology, virology, microbiology, immunology genetics, health and safety science, oncogenes, entomology, and endocrinology neuroscience.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global  
Includes over 1.7 million dissertations in full text online.

SAGE Premier
Full text electronic journal collection from Sage Publications.

SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO) Database

SRMO is an online tool designed to help researchers, faculty, and students with research projects across a wide range of subject areas. Users can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify useful new methods.

The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature

SPORTDiscus Full Text
SPORTDiscus is the most comprehensive database covering sports science, coaching, training, sports administration, facility design & management, intramural & school sport, sport & exercise psychology and more.

Springer e-Journals
This Springer eJournal package includes access to a number of scholarly journals in the area of Medicine and Biomedical Science, for example, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, and Child Psychiatry and Human Development.


Other Nursing Databases

Cochrane Library
Collection of evidence-based medicine databases.

Nursing Video Clips (Medcom, Intelecom, and Ask Harvard Medical School)
Thousands of nursing and other health science video clips available from Medcom, Intelecom and the Ask Harvard Medical School video series and accessible through the ProQuest Nursing database.

UpToDate  (View instructions for UpToDate app)
UpToDate synthesizes medical information into practical, evidence-based, point-of-care recommendations.