Social Sciences & Sociology

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)  
An extremely comprehensive, multi-disciplinary full-text database with over 7,900 full-text periodicals.

Ethnic Newswatch (Proquest) 
Database of periodicals from ethnic, minority and native presses.
Slated for cancellation - June 2018, use: ABI/Inform Complete (via Proquest) 

GenderWatch (Proquest)  
Full text of publications that focus on how gender impacts various areas.
Slated for cancellation - June 2018, use: ABI/Inform Complete (via Proquest) 

JSTOR Arts & Sciences  
Digital archive of hundreds of titles covering multiple disciplines.

JSTOR eBooks 
Over 10,000 JSTOR eBook titles are now available on our JSTOR platform, available from a variety of university presses

ProQuest Social Sciences 
Politics, society, economics. Wide coverage of social science. Over 1000 titles in full text. 

ProQuest Sociology 
ProQuest Sociology gives users access to the full-text of more than 310 journals in sociology and social work. 

SAGE Reference
Platform for accessing many SAGE and CQ Reference materials, as well as SAGE handbooks and monographs. 

SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO) Database
SRMO is an online tool designed to help researchers, faculty and students with research projects across a wide range of subject areas. Users can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify useful new methods.

Springer eJournals  
This Springer eJournal package includes access to a number of scholarly journals in the areas of Social Science and Psychology, for example: Cognitive Therapy Research, Political Behavior, Social Justice Research. 

Films on Demand
Provides online, streaming access to thousands of documentaries and educational films. Menu allows you to browse by producer or subject area. Large collection of video content covering numerous academic fields.  

Kanopy Streaming Media
Kanopy provides films from documentaries, indie and foreign films, to must-see classics. Browse films by subject area, filmmaker, production company and other criteria.