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Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement


INACSL’s Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement is designed to recognize healthcare institutions and practices that have demonstrated excellence in applying all four of the following simulation standards from the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice™  (HSSOBP™) in their educational simulation programs:

  • Prebriefing: Preparation and Briefing
  • Facilitation
  • Professional Integrity
  • Debriefing

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Healthcare Simulationist Code of Ethics

The Healthcare Simulationist Code of Ethics was created for individuals and organizations engaged in healthcare simulation. The goal of the code of ethics is to guide us toward safe practice that will improve the quality of healthcare. It serves to strengthen and promote ethical culture among all those who practice simulationist based education. Through the code of ethics, Healthcare simulations are challenged to maintain the highest level of integrity, promote transparency in communication, and show mutual respect to all while maintaining a high level of professionalism and self-accountability.