Education Accreditation Data

CAEP Accountability Measures

The RMU Education department mission and goals are extensions of the University vision, mission, and goals. The shared values and beliefs for the Education department are founded in the Scholar-Practitioner Model and reflected in the Danielson Framework for Teacher Education.

All Education certification programs meet the certification requirements established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), and are currently accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Programs that were approved during RMu's most recent CAEP accreditation include:

  • Nine initial certification programs: early childhood; early childhood with special education; middle level; business, computer and information technology; secondary biology; secondary English; secondary mathematics; and secondary social studies.
  • Seven post-baccalaureate alternative route programs: early childhood; business, computer and information technology; secondary biology; secondary English; secondary mathematics; and secondary social studies.
  • Eight advanced programs: Autism Spectrum Disorder Endorsement, English as a Second Language, Instructional Technology Specialist Certification, Online Instruction Endorsement, Principal, Reading Specialist, Special Education, and Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.
Currently, RMU offers 

  • Six initial certification programs: early childhood; early childhood with special education; special education (PK-12), secondary biology; secondary English; and secondary social studies.
  • Seven post-baccalaureate alternative route programs: early childhood,  business, computer and information technology (PK-12); secondary biology; secondary English; secondary mathematics; secondary social studies, and special education (PK-12).
  • Two advanced programs: Principal and Reading Specialist

To guide initial certification students in meeting the PDE requirements, undergraduates, post-baccalaureate students, and transfer students follow the Teacher Education Progress Process.

To ensure that RMU education students are well prepared to make an impact in their educational careers once they complete their programs, candidates are assessed at various points in the program. The accreditation process establishes rigorous standards for educator preparation programs and holds accredited institutions accountable for providing continuous evidence of meeting these standards and making this evidence public. 

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness

Impact on P-12 Learning and Development. All student teachers complete a Teacher Work Sample (TWS) assignment, which demonstrates professional competencies, skills, and knowledge acquired during the teacher education program. In addition, all students in advanced programs complete an Advanced Work Sample in their area of specialization during their practicum clinical experiences. The Work Sample ratings demonstrate that RMU students have a positive impact on P-12 learning and development. Case studies are utilized to measure impact and effectiveness of recent RMU graduates.

Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness. Each student teacher is formally observed at least three times to assess their preparedness for the classroom. Written evaluations by the University Supervisor are scored using the Statewide Evaluation Form for Student Professional Knowledge PDE 430. Students enrolled in advanced programs are formally observed by their mentor and university supervisor using content specific evaluation instruments. Program completers' ratings indicate that students demonstrate superior to exemplary performance in teaching effectiveness.

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

To measure the satisfaction of employers with the preparedness of RMU graduates, employers of RMU alumni are surveyed annually. Also, measure 2 shows the relationship and input key stakeholders have with the Department of Education.

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion

Ability of Completers to graduate and become licensed. Students must demonstrate professional competency knowledge by passing the Praxis or PECT exam in the content/discipline area.

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared

Data on employment is collected from a variety of sources and is used to determine the ability of completers to find employment in their field of preparation.